來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

廊坊市國際金融服務(wù)后臺項(xiàng)目招商引資項(xiàng)目建設(shè)內(nèi)容和投資項(xiàng)目規(guī)模:該項(xiàng)目位于河北廊坊現(xiàn)代服務(wù)產(chǎn)業(yè)園區(qū)內(nèi),占地110畝,總建筑面積15萬平方米,主要建設(shè)創(chuàng)業(yè)中心、數(shù)據(jù)處理中心、呼叫轉(zhuǎn)移中心、清算中心、酒店、飯店、會議中心、專家樓及輔助服務(wù)設(shè)施等。已建成的國際金融后臺一期工程:創(chuàng)業(yè)大廈、呼叫中心已投入使用。其中,創(chuàng)業(yè)大廈:總建筑面積約11萬平方米,共五層,每層面積為2000平米。呼叫中心:總建筑面積約34萬平方米,共十七層,地下一層,地上十六層,每層面積為2000平米,F(xiàn)1-2層已精裝修完畢。兩座大樓意向企業(yè)可租賃、購買或合資經(jīng)營。現(xiàn)有80畝土地可用于開發(fā)建設(shè)數(shù)據(jù)中心、清算中心及酒店、會議中心、輔助服務(wù)設(shè)施等,誠邀意向企業(yè)合作開發(fā)建設(shè)。項(xiàng)目投資估算及投資資金來源:項(xiàng)目投資總額約4060萬美元。擬利用外資1800萬美元 項(xiàng)目投資市場分析:金融后臺服務(wù)作為一個生機(jī)蓬勃的朝陽產(chǎn)業(yè),是金融業(yè)發(fā)展的延伸。從全球范圍看,金融后臺服務(wù)外包產(chǎn)業(yè)正處于行業(yè)周期的高速成長期,已成為國際外包市場的主流。園區(qū)位于京津冀金三角中心,在京津冀一體化政策推動下,京臺高速、首都新機(jī)場拉動下,作為承接京津金融產(chǎn)業(yè)外溢及后臺服務(wù)保障,具有巨大的潛在市場和發(fā)展機(jī)遇,它的發(fā)展能夠給城市、地區(qū)乃至區(qū)域的經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展帶來新的增長點(diǎn)。投資項(xiàng)目效益分析:項(xiàng)目總體投入運(yùn)營后,年可實(shí)現(xiàn)營業(yè)收入約24000萬元,繳納稅金約4000萬元。招商引資建設(shè)條件:該項(xiàng)目選址位于園區(qū)財(cái)富路1號,目前已達(dá)到七通一平的建設(shè)條件。項(xiàng)目招商機(jī)構(gòu):廊坊市中太投資有限公司 招商機(jī)構(gòu)簡介:公司成立于20074月,公司地址位于廊坊市廣陽道20號。公司主要對房地產(chǎn)業(yè)、建筑業(yè)、加工制造業(yè)、服務(wù)業(yè)、園區(qū)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)、娛樂業(yè)等的投資。招商引資合作方式:多種方式,可詳談。項(xiàng)目招商機(jī)構(gòu):廊坊市中太投資有限公司 招商引資聯(lián)系人:袁英招商引資電話:1863042*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-569*** 招商引資地址:河北廊坊市廣陽道20


International Financial Services Background Project

Project contentThe project is located in Hebei Langfang Modern Service Industry Park, covering110 mu, and a total construction area of 150,000 square meters. The main construction includes business center, data processing center, call transfer center, clearing center, hotel Hotels, conference centers, expert buildings and ancillary services.。Built international financial background project- venture building and call center have been put into use. Among them, venture buildinga total construction area is about11,000 square meters, with a total of five layers, each area of 2,000 square meters; call centera total construction area is about 34,000 square meters, with a total of17 layers, and the first floor underground, the ground16 layers, each area of 2,000 square meters. Now the1st and 2nd layers decoration have been refined. The intention of the two buildings may be leased, purchased or jointly operated..The existing 80 mu of land can be used for the developing and constructing data centers, clearing centers, hotels, conference centers and ancillary services, etc..Invite enterprises to co-development and construction sincere***

The investment estimates and funding sourcesThe total investment of the project is about USD406 million .Market analysis: Financial background services as a vibrant sunrise industry, is an extension of the development of the financial industry. From a global perspective, the financial background service outsourcing industry is in the industry cycle of high-speed growth period, which has become the mainstream of the international outsourcing market. The park is located in the center of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Golden Triangle, and has a huge potential market and development opportunity to undertake the spillover and background service of Beijing-Tianjin financial industry, driven by the integration policy of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, under the impetus of Beijing-Taiwan high-speed and New Capital Airport. Its development must bring new growth points for urban, regional and regional economic development .Economic analysisIf the overall project put into operation, the annual operating income is about 240 million Yuan, and tax payment is about 40 million Yuan .Construction conditionsThe site is located in Fortune Road No.1 of the park, which has reached seven accesses and site leveling of a construction conditions .The Chinese undertaker OverviewLangfang Zhongtai Investment Co., Ltd. was established in April 2007, the company address is located in No.20, Guangyang Road, Langfang City. The company mainly invests in the real estate industry, construction, processing and manufacturing, service industry, park infrastructure construction, entertainment and others .Cooperationa variety of ways can be discussed in detail. ContactUnitLangfang Zhongtai Investment Co., Ltd

ContactYuan Ying Tel1863042*** Fax0086-316-569*** AddressNo.20, Guangyang Road, Langfang City, Hebei Province


永清新區(qū)智能終端產(chǎn)業(yè)園項(xiàng)目招商引資項(xiàng)目建設(shè)內(nèi)容和投資項(xiàng)目規(guī)模:該項(xiàng)目總規(guī)劃用地面積60畝。主要建設(shè)內(nèi)容:標(biāo)準(zhǔn)廠房。項(xiàng)目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項(xiàng)目投資總額約3000萬美元,資金全部自籌。項(xiàng)目投資市場分析:隨著互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、通信傳感技術(shù)和嵌入式軟硬件系統(tǒng)的發(fā)展,智能終端逐步發(fā)展并取代非智能終端成為市場主流。由于貼近用戶端、需求基礎(chǔ)強(qiáng)大,近年來可穿戴設(shè)備、智能家居、智能車載市場規(guī)模實(shí)現(xiàn)了持續(xù)高速增長,2014年市場規(guī)模分別為1149億元、4034億元、1500億元,預(yù)計(jì)從2012年到2015年三大領(lǐng)域年均復(fù)合增長率分別為166%、39%、36%。綜合考慮市場發(fā)展前景、產(chǎn)業(yè)區(qū)域布局、企業(yè)競爭、供應(yīng)鏈合作等方面,可穿戴設(shè)備、智能家居、車載智能設(shè)備可作為永清智能終端產(chǎn)業(yè)重點(diǎn)發(fā)展的三大方向。招商引資建設(shè)條件:園區(qū)管委會根據(jù)項(xiàng)目規(guī)劃要求,在項(xiàng)目施工建設(shè)時達(dá)到三通一平,運(yùn)營時實(shí)現(xiàn)九通一平,保障項(xiàng)目順利開工建設(shè)、投入運(yùn)營。投資項(xiàng)目效益分析:該項(xiàng)目投產(chǎn)后,預(yù)計(jì)年產(chǎn)值約人民幣100000萬元。年納稅約人民幣5000萬元。項(xiàng)目招商機(jī)構(gòu):永清鼎泰園區(qū)建設(shè)發(fā)展有限公司為華夏幸福基業(yè)股份有限公司旗下全資子公司,華夏幸;鶚I(yè)股份有限公司創(chuàng)立于1998年,是中國領(lǐng)先的產(chǎn)業(yè)新城運(yùn)營商。我們以“打造產(chǎn)業(yè)新城、建設(shè)幸福城市,使所開發(fā)的區(qū)域經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展、社會和諧、人民幸福”為企業(yè)使命,致力于成為全球產(chǎn)業(yè)新城的引領(lǐng)者。招商引資合作方式:獨(dú)資開發(fā)。招商引資聯(lián)系人:姜明招商引資電話:1382098*** 招商引資郵箱:jiangming1**[ta]**dcn.com招商引資地址:永清新區(qū)幸福大道南側(cè)、通澤路西智能控制產(chǎn)業(yè)園


Yongqing new district intelligent terminal Industrial Park Proj***

Project contentthe total land area of the project is 60 mu. Main construction contentStandard workshop .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is about 30 million US dollars .Market analysiswith the development of the Internet, communication technology and embedded software and hardware system, the intelligent terminal has gradually developed and replaced the non intelligent terminal. As close to the user terminal, demand a strong base in recent years, wearable devices, intelligent Home Furnishing, intelligent vehicle market scale achieved sustained rapid growth, market size in 2014 was11 billion 490 million yuan, 40 billion 340 million yu***150 billion yuan, is expected from 2012 to 2015 three areas average annual compound growth rate of166%, 39% and 36% respectively .Considering the market prospect of industrial development, regional distribution, enterprise competition, supply chain cooperation, wearable devices, intelligent Home Furnishing, intelligent vehicle device can be used as the three directions of Yongqing focus on the development of intelligent terminal indust***

Construction conditionsthe park management according to the project planning requirements, to achieve three level in project construction, implementation of infrastructure operations, ensuring the smooth construction of the project, put into operation .Economic benefit analysisafter the project is put into production, the annual output value is estimated to be RMB1 billion yuan. Annual tax of about 50 million yuan .Profile of the UndertakerYongqing Ding Tai Park Construction Development Co. Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Limited by Share Ltd, China happiness foundation, China happiness foundation Limited by Share Ltd was founded in1998, is a leading industrial town operators Chinese. We are to build a new industrial city, building a happy city, so that the development of regional economic development, social harmony, people's happiness as the mission of the enterprise, is committed to becoming the leader of the global industrial town .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship .ContactJiang Ming Tel1382098*** E-mailjiangming1**[ta]** AddressYongqing New District Yongqing County, happiness Avenue South,west of road to TongZelu intelligent control of Industrial P***


電泳裝置項(xiàng)目招商引資項(xiàng)目建設(shè)內(nèi)容和投資項(xiàng)目規(guī)模:電泳裝置 項(xiàng)目投資估算及投資資金來源:總投資112億美元,由投資方出資。項(xiàng)目投資市場分析:企業(yè)設(shè)備齊全,資金、技術(shù)力量雄厚。長期以來,憑踞首都科技中心優(yōu)勢,與眾多高等學(xué)府、科研院所密切協(xié)作,在知名專家、學(xué)者等技術(shù)顧問的指導(dǎo)下,聯(lián)合研制開發(fā)高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)品,不斷推陳出新。投資項(xiàng)目效益分析:年生產(chǎn)電泳裝置50000臺,年利稅100萬美元。招商引資建設(shè)條件:項(xiàng)目占地27畝,位于大廣高速西側(cè),南鄰東方街,地理位置優(yōu)越,交通便利;地塊為九通一平熟地,已具備土地證,要求容積率12項(xiàng)目招商機(jī)構(gòu):固安移動通信設(shè)備產(chǎn)業(yè)園位于北京天安門正南50公里,規(guī)劃面積3174畝,從2006年至今,共引進(jìn)44家企業(yè),簽約總投資1007億元。招商引資合作方式:獨(dú)資 投資機(jī)構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式:招商引資聯(lián)系人:王曉平 招商引資電話:0086-10-6371*** 招商引資傳真:0086-10-6371*** 招商引資地址:北京市豐臺區(qū)造甲街128 招商地址郵編:10*** 招商引資郵箱:jsb**[ta]**comcn


The project of Electrophoresis Cell

Project ContentElectrophoresis Cell

Investment Estimation and Fund Source$112 million

Market AnalysisThe company has established a full system from the research to after sale service. With high quality of the product, reasonable price and good after sale service, it has won the customers trust and praise. And it is one of the important suppliers of the government procurement .Benefit AnalysisThe annual output of 50000 sets of electrophoresis apparatus,the annual profits of$1million

Construction ConditionsThe project covers an area of 27 acres, located in the South West of G45, Dongfang Street .General Description of Chinese SponsorGu`an Mobile Equipment Industrial Park is located 50 kilometers south of Beijing, the Tiananmen. Since 2006, The park have introduced a total of 44 enterprises, with signing of investment $160821 billion .Cooperative FormContact Way ContactPersonWang Xiaoping Tel0086-10-6371*** Fax0086-10-6371*** AddressBeijing Fengtai DistrictNo.128,Zaojia Street Post Code10*** E-mailjsb**[ta]**comcn


年產(chǎn)450萬片外延片及5500萬片3D-LED芯片項(xiàng)目招商引資項(xiàng)目建設(shè)內(nèi)容和投資項(xiàng)目規(guī)模:該由項(xiàng)目河北易貝信息技術(shù)有限公司投資建設(shè),總建筑面積26萬平方米。主要建設(shè)研發(fā)中心、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化實(shí)驗(yàn)室、1000級潔凈室標(biāo)準(zhǔn)廠房、辦公樓及配套用房、高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)倉庫、設(shè)備。投資估算和資金來源:項(xiàng)目投資總額1721335萬美元,全部由企業(yè)自籌。項(xiàng)目投資市場分析:隨著LED技術(shù)的不斷提高和LED產(chǎn)能的不斷增長,LED的應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域?qū)⑦M(jìn)一步擴(kuò)大,以及政府補(bǔ)助或獎勵政策,越來越多的應(yīng)用場域?qū)⑹褂?/SPAN>LED替代傳統(tǒng)光源。河北易貝信息技術(shù)有限公司擬建的年產(chǎn)450萬片外延片及5500萬片3D-LED芯片項(xiàng)目市場前景非常可觀,具有廣闊的發(fā)展空間,能夠產(chǎn)生很好的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益和社會效益,具有可行性。投資項(xiàng)目效益分析:項(xiàng)目年?duì)I業(yè)收入10562500萬元,稅金及附加1409200萬元,年均利潤4065436萬元,安排就業(yè)870人。招商引資建設(shè)條件:園區(qū)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施、交通運(yùn)輸可以滿足企業(yè)生產(chǎn)、生活需求。項(xiàng)目招商機(jī)構(gòu):位于固安縣廊涿高速連接線西側(cè),主要經(jīng)營:電子商務(wù)、軟件、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、自動化等。招商引資合作方式:獨(dú)資 招商引資聯(lián)系人:孫艷龍招商引資電話:1381156*** 招商引資地址:固安縣廊涿高速連接線西側(cè) 招商引資郵編:0*** 招商引資郵箱:20423549**[ta]**com


Annual output of 45 million pieces of epitaxial wafer and 55 million pieces of 3 d-LED chip project

Content of projectthe project from hebei ebay information technology co., LTD Invest in the construction, a total construction area of 260000 square meters. Main research and development center, standardized laboratory construction,1000 grade clean room standard factory building, office building, equipment and accessory occupancy and high standard warehouse .Investment estimation and financing sourcethe project total investment is1721335 million dollars, all by the enterprise oneself, plans to use of foreign capital of $30 million .Market analysiswith the continuous improvement of LED technology and LED production capacity increasing, LED applications will be further expanded, and government subsidies or reward policy, more and more application fields will be LED to replace traditional light source. Hebei ebay information technology co., LTD., proposed the annual output of 45 million pieces of epitaxial wafer and 55 million pieces of 3 d-LED chip market prospect is very considerable, has a broad development space, can produce good economic and social benefits, has the feasibility .Analysis of economic benefitthe annual business income is105625 billion yuan project, taxes and additional14092 million yuan, an annual profit of 4065436 million yuan, arrange employment of 870 people .Construction termthe park infrastructure, transportation can meet the demand of enterprise production and living .Method of cooperationsole proprietorship .ContactSun Yanlong Tel1381156***

Postcode06*** Addressthe company county gallery zhu high-speed cable on the west side E-mail20423549**[ta]**com


互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+智能家具產(chǎn)業(yè)基地項(xiàng)目招商引資項(xiàng)目建設(shè)內(nèi)容和投資項(xiàng)目規(guī)模:該項(xiàng)目占地面積120畝,建筑面積67萬平方米,主要建設(shè)生產(chǎn)車間、庫房、研發(fā)中心、辦公及附屬設(shè)施等,購置設(shè)備366()。項(xiàng)目投資估算及投資資金來源:計(jì)劃總投資6300萬美元。項(xiàng)目投資市場分析:智能家具是未來智能城市建設(shè)的基石,智能家具的廣泛應(yīng)用會大大提高智能城市的建設(shè)速度,從而更加方便人們的日常的學(xué)習(xí)、工作和生活。招商引資建設(shè)條件:廊坊市格雅智能家居股份有限公司是阿里巴巴在廊坊的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)商會執(zhí)行會員單位,公司依托于勝芳家具生產(chǎn)、銷售集散地以及阿里巴巴強(qiáng)大的網(wǎng)絡(luò)平臺,不僅能夠生產(chǎn)出高品質(zhì)的智能家具產(chǎn)品充實(shí)阿里巴巴平臺,也能帶動勝芳家具從傳統(tǒng)家具向智能家具的轉(zhuǎn)型和升級。投資項(xiàng)目效益分析:項(xiàng)目建成后,年產(chǎn)智能家具60萬套,吸納就業(yè)職工650人,年實(shí)現(xiàn)銷售收入6000萬美元,稅金300萬美元。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯(lián)系人:劉 強(qiáng)招商引資電話:1393066*** 招商引資地址:霸州市辛章辦事處 招商引資郵編:06***


Internet plus intelligent furniture industry base proj***

Content and scale of the projectthe project covers an area of120 mu, building area of 67 thousand square meters, the main production workshop, warehouse, R & D center, office and ancillary facilities, the purchase of equipment, sets (sets) .Investment estimates and sources of fundingtotal planned investment of $63 million .Market analysissmart furniture is the cornerstone of the future smart city construction, wide application of intelligent furniture will greatly improve the intelligent city construction speed, which is more convenient for people's daily study, work and li***

Construction conditionsLangfang city Goiad intelligent Limited by Share Ltd is the Alibaba executive Home Furnishing member in the Langfang Internet chamber of Commerce, the company relies on Yu Shengfang furniture production and sales centers and Alibaba strong network platform, not only can produce the smart furniture products of high quality full Alibaba platform, but also to promote Shengfang furniture from traditional furniture to furniture intelligent transformation and upgradi***

Economic benefit analysisafter the completion of the project, the annual output of 600 thousand sets of intelligent furniture, to absorb the employment of the staff of 650 people, the annual sales revenue of $60 million, tax $3 milli***

Cooperation modejoint venture, cooperation

ContactLiu Qiang Tel1393066*** AddressBazhou Xin Zhang Office Zip code06***


霸州市易普達(dá)網(wǎng)絡(luò)科技有限公司VR科技谷項(xiàng)目招商引資項(xiàng)目建設(shè)內(nèi)容和投資項(xiàng)目規(guī)模:占地120畝,建筑面積113萬平方米,主要建設(shè)VR技術(shù)研發(fā)大樓、VR技術(shù)開發(fā)大樓、金融結(jié)算大樓、客服大樓和綜合辦公大樓及配套的生活服務(wù)設(shè)施。項(xiàng)目投資估算及投資資金來源:計(jì)劃總投資6100萬美元。項(xiàng)目投資市場分析:虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)技術(shù)作為未來互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的下一波浪潮,預(yù)計(jì)到2020年,市場規(guī)模約400億元,加上內(nèi)容服務(wù)和企業(yè)級應(yīng)用,市場容量超過千億元。虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)技術(shù)的應(yīng)用前景十分廣闊,應(yīng)用在軍事與航空、醫(yī)學(xué)、機(jī)器人、商業(yè)、娛樂、藝術(shù)與教育房地產(chǎn)、零售、教育等領(lǐng)域都占有一定的比例,另外在可視化計(jì)算、制造業(yè)等領(lǐng)域也有相當(dāng)?shù)谋戎兀摂M現(xiàn)實(shí)在生產(chǎn)生活中的應(yīng)用將日益廣泛。投資項(xiàng)目效益分析:項(xiàng)目建成后,預(yù)計(jì)年實(shí)現(xiàn)銷售收入4000萬美元,投資利潤率30%左右,具有較好的投資效益。招商引資建設(shè)條件:該項(xiàng)目選址在霸州市岔河集鄉(xiāng),112國道南側(cè),交通便利,區(qū)位優(yōu)勢明顯。霸州市易普達(dá)網(wǎng)絡(luò)科技有限公司 招商機(jī)構(gòu)簡介:公司成立于2015年,以網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)研發(fā)、軟件開發(fā)、信息技術(shù)開發(fā),網(wǎng)絡(luò)交易平臺建設(shè)為主。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作均可 招商引資聯(lián)系人:張立國招商引資電話:1517568*** 招商引資地址:霸州市迎賓西道北側(cè) 招商引資郵箱:260702**[ta]**com


Bazhou City Yi VR Technology Network Technology Co. Puda Valley Project

Content and scalethe project covers an area of120 mu, building area of113 thousand square meters, the development of the VR technology building, VR technology development, the building of financial settlement building, office building and building customer service and supporting service facilities construction .Investment estimates and sources of fundingtotal planned investment of $61 million .Market analysisvirtual reality technology as the next wave of the next wave of the Internet, is expected to 2020, the market size of about 40 billion yuan, plus content services and enterprise class applications, the market capacity of more than one hundred billion yuan. Application of virtual reality technology has very broad application, occupy a certain proportion in the military and aerospace, robotics, medicine, business, entertainment, art and education, real estate, retail, education and other fields, in addition to the visual computing, manufacturing and other fields also have a considerable proportion, application of virtual reality in our life will be more widely .Economic benefit analysisafter the project is completed, it is estimated that the annual sales income will be 40 million USD, the investment profit rate will be about 30%, and the investment benefit will be better .Construction conditionsthe project is located in Bazhou City, Chaheji Township, south of State Road112, convenient transportation, location advantages. Bazhou City Yi Puda Network Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2015, with the network technology development, software development, information technology development, mainly the construction of online trading platform .Cooperation modejoint venture and cooperation

ContactZhang Liguo Tel1517568*** AddressBazhou City Yingbin Road on the north side E-mail260702**[ta]**com



招商引資內(nèi)容:建設(shè)廠房、綜合辦公樓、庫房等共48480平方米,采用世界先進(jìn)技術(shù),主要承接軍工精密機(jī)械組件。該產(chǎn)品應(yīng)用于中國航天科工集團(tuán)三院、五院。項(xiàng)目投資估算及投資資金來源:總投資4800萬美元,企業(yè)自籌。項(xiàng)目投資市場分析:隨著國家經(jīng)濟(jì)與科技的跨越發(fā)展,中國的國際地位在世界上得到更多的矚目和認(rèn)可,國防事業(yè)和國防科技發(fā)揮著舉足輕重的作用,許多軍工科技成果更多的應(yīng)用于社會,造福百姓。招商引資建設(shè)條件:土地平整,九通一平,交通方便 。投資項(xiàng)目效益分析:產(chǎn)值10000萬美元、銷售收入1000萬美元、利稅800萬美元。項(xiàng)目招商機(jī)構(gòu):文安經(jīng)濟(jì)開發(fā)區(qū)位于文安縣城北側(cè),東臨廊滄高速,20117月份被批準(zhǔn)為省級開發(fā)區(qū),重點(diǎn)發(fā)展裝備制造、電子信息、新能源新材料、汽車零配件四大產(chǎn)業(yè)。招商引資合作方式:合作、合資、獨(dú)資均可。招商引資聯(lián)系人:郭世偉招商引資電話:1383161*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-528*** 招商引資地址:河北省文安縣豐利路231 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:swd888**[ta]**com


Aerospace Precision machinery components

production project

Content of the project48480 square meters, including the construction of the workshop, the comprehensive office building and the storehouse, and the world advanced technology. The product is applied to the China Aerospace Science and industry group of hospitals, five .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment is 48 million US dollars .Market analysiswith the national economic and technological development, China international status in the world more and more attention and recognition, plays an important role in the cause of national defense and the national defense science and technology industry, many achievements of science and technology more and more applied to the society, for the benefit of the people .Construction conditionsland leveling, infrastructure, convenient transportation .Economic benefit analysisoutput value of100 million U.S. dollars, sales revenue of $10 million, profit and tax of $8 million .General description of Chinese enterpriseWen'an economic development zone is located in the north of Wen'an County, east of Langcang expressway, 2011 July was approved as a provincial Development Zone, focus on the development of equipment manufacturing, electronic information, new materials, new energy automotive parts industry four .Mode of cooperationcooperation, joint venture or sole proprietorship .ContactGuo Shiwei Tel1383161*** Fax0086-316-528*** AddressHebei province Wen'an County Feng Li Lu No. 231 zip code06*** E-mailswd888**[ta]**com



招商引資內(nèi)容:總占地40畝,新建車間、辦公樓、宿舍樓等,總建筑面積18270平方米,購置生產(chǎn)設(shè)備及輔助設(shè)備42()。主要生產(chǎn)箱變、高低壓柜體、配電箱等電氣設(shè)備。項(xiàng)目投資估算及投資資金來源:項(xiàng)目投資1799萬美元,全部由企業(yè)自籌。項(xiàng)目投資市場分析:隨著基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)和電力能源投入的發(fā)展,我國電氣成套設(shè)備需求量逐年增加,產(chǎn)品升級換代速度加快,型號增多,技術(shù)性能有了明顯的提高,生產(chǎn)設(shè)備及加工工藝有了明顯改進(jìn)。憑借比國外同類產(chǎn)品更高的性價比和服務(wù)優(yōu)勢,國產(chǎn)品牌已經(jīng)在國內(nèi)市場競爭中占據(jù)主導(dǎo)地位。招商引資建設(shè)條件:項(xiàng)目地理位置優(yōu)越,交通十分便捷,是建設(shè)該項(xiàng)目的理想場所。該區(qū)域基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施完善,配套條件較好,有利于加快項(xiàng)目建設(shè)進(jìn)度,可使項(xiàng)目早日投產(chǎn)、早見效益。投資項(xiàng)目效益分析:項(xiàng)目達(dá)產(chǎn)后,可吸納就業(yè)人數(shù)180人;實(shí)現(xiàn)年銷售收入3338元,利潤217萬美元,稅金72萬美元。項(xiàng)目招商機(jī)構(gòu):北京長虹開關(guān)有限公司,占地40,現(xiàn)有員工60人,實(shí)現(xiàn)年銷售收入3338元,利潤166萬美元,稅金50萬美元。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作均可。招商引資聯(lián)系人:李利軍招商引資電話:1507565*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-865*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市文安縣新橋經(jīng)濟(jì)開發(fā)區(qū) 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:waxqgyq**[ta]**com


1000 Sets (Sets) of Electrical Equipment

Project ContentCovers 40 acres, the new workshop, Office building, dormitory, and total floor area of 18270 square metres, the acquisition of production equipment and auxiliary equipment 42 (set). Mainly the production of prefabricated substation, high and low-voltage Cabinet, distribution boxes and other electrical equipment .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment of the project is124 hundred millions yuan. The company is to self-raise all the funds .Market AnalysisWith the development of infrastructure and energy investment, China's increasing demand for electrical equipment, product upgrading speed, model increased technical performance has been significantly improved, production equipment and processing technology has improved significantly. By virtue of a higher price than similar foreign products and services, domestic brands have dominated competition in the domestic market .Construction ConditionAs an ideal place to build the project, it has superior geographical position and convenient traffic. Except that, this region has a set of complete infrastructure and better necessary condition. All of these can speed up the construction progress and make the project put into production as soon as possible, so we can see the benefits earlier .Benefit AnalysisThe project reaches the postpartum, the intake of 180 people in employment could be to achieve annual sales revenue of 230 million Yuan, profit of 15 million Yuan and taxes of 5 million Yuan .General Description of Chinese SponsorBeijing Changhong switchgear Co., Ltd., covers an area of 40 acres, the existing staff of 60 people, the annual sales income of 230 million yuan, profit of $11 million 500 thousand, tax $3 million 500 thousand .Cooperative FormJoint venture or cooperation ContactPersonLi Lijun Tel0086-1507565*** Fax0086-316-865*** AddressEconomic development zone in langfang city, hebei wenan new bridge Post Code065*** E-mailwaxqgyq**[ta]**com


項(xiàng)目合作:18361148798    或 點(diǎn)擊這里給我發(fā)消息
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