來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Czech Republic Klub nemocných cystickou fibrózou, z.s. www.cfklub.cz Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCZK 150.00 Donation for education and psychological help for patients and their families

Czech Republic Český občanský spolek proti plicním nemocem, z.s.

www.copn.cz Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCZK 30.00

Donation for projects and activities to increase of information for patients with lung


Czech Republic eReS tým ČR z.s. www.erestymcr.cz Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCZK 230.00

Donation for projects and activities to increase of information for patients with

multiple sclerosis

Czech Republic KAPKA97, z.s. www.kapka97.cz Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCZK 100.00

Financial support of education of oncology patients and information providing in the


Czech Republic LYMFOM HELP, z.s. www.lymfomhelp.cz Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCZK 6.35

Support of attendance of one member at the International Experience Exchange for

Patient Organisations

Czech Republic

Lymfom Help

www.lymfomhelp.cz/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Czech Republic Občanské sdružení SMS www.mladisklerotici.cz Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCZK 150.00

Financial support of patients with multiple sclerosis and information providing in the


Czech Republic Onkomaják, z.s. www.onkomajak.cz Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCZK 6.35

Support of attendance of one member at the International Experience Exchange for

Patient Organisations

Czech Republic Nejsi na to sama, z.s. www.rakovinaprsu.cz Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCZK 6.35

Support of attendance of one member at the International Experience Exchange for

Patient Organisations Copenhagen

Czech Republic Nejsi na to sama, z.s. www.rakovinaprsu.cz Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCZK 150.00

Donation for projects and activities to increase of information for patients with

breast cancer

Czech Republic DIAGNÓZA LEUKEMIE, z.s. www.sdruzenidiagnozacml.cz Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCZK 6.35

Support of attendance of one member at the International Experience Exchange for

Patient Organisations (flight and transfer)

Czech Republic DIAGNÓZA LEUKEMIE, z.s. www.sdruzenidiagnozacml.cz Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCZK 100.00

Financial support of education of oncology patients and information providing in the



Dansk Brystkræft Organisation

brystkraeft.dk financial contributions to Patient Organisations

DKK 150.00

Reimbursed expenses for the attendance at the Roche Real World Data patient

group meeting, to improve patient outcomes in cancer, October 2016 Copenhagen


DBO - Danish Breast Cancer Organisation

http://brystkraeft.dk/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 10.35

Non-financial support for the participation of five representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Denmark DBO - The Danish Breast Cancer Organization http://brystkraeft.dk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations DKK 150.00 Patientforeningsakademi - network meeting for patient organisations

Denmark DBO - The Danish Breast Cancer Organization http://brystkraeft.dk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 1.20 International Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations

Denmark DBO - The Danish Breast Cancer Organization http://brystkraeft.dk/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kDKK 9.42 Support attendance to Breast Cancer Patient Group meeting in June in Milano

Denmark DBO - The Danish Breast Cancer Organization http://brystkraeft.dk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 60.00 Support to seminar 8-9th April and publishing of DBO magazine

Denmark FNUG - Forening af Unge med Gigt http://fnug.dk/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kDKK 1.29

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the Rheumatoid

Arthritis Patient Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen


FNUG - Forening af Unge med Gigt

http://fnug.dk/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 3.88

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen


FNUG - Forening af Unge med Gigt

http://fnug.dk/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 7.76

Non-financial support for the participation of four representatives at the

International Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Denmark FNUG - Forening af Unge med Gigt http://fnug.dk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 2.47 International Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations

Denmark FNUG - Forening af Unge med Gigt http://fnug.dk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 13.50 Support of awareness campaign of arthritis amongst young people

Denmark FNUG - Forening af Unge med Gigt http://fnug.dk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 30.00 Support for a seminar about patient safety and rights

Denmark Blodprop- og AK-Patientforeningen http://www.akpatient.dk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 10.00 Support for Information Event for AK-patients on self-management treatment.

Denmark The Danish Diabetes Association http://www.diabetes.dk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 23.10

Support for the annual congress held by and for the members of the organization.

Denmark JDRF - Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation http://www.jdrf.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 230.00 General support of the research performed by the organization

Denmark Scleroseforeningen https://scleroseforeningen.dk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 34.00 Support project "Children as relatives"

Denmark Scleroseforeningen https://scleroseforeningen.dk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 66.00 Support project "Patient preferences"


KIU - Kræft i Underlivet (Women with reproductive

cancers) https://www.cancer.dk/kiu/forside/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 15.54

Non-financial support for the participation of eight representatives at the

International Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


KIU - Kræft i Underlivet (Women with reproductive

cancers) https://www.cancer.dk/kiu/forside/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kDKK 4.37

2016 GYN Cancer Patient Forum 28. - 30. november 2016 in Budapest


KIU - Kræft i Underlivet (Women with reproductive

cancers) https://www.cancer.dk/kiu/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 7.13

International Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations


KIU - Kræft i Underlivet (Women with reproductive

cancers) https://www.cancer.dk/kiu/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 20.00

Support digital ads in connection with the Campaign "OPDAG.NU" as part of World

Ovarian Cancer Day


LyLe - Patientgroup for Lymphoma and Leukemia

https://www.cancer.dk/lyle/forside/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 13.35

Non-financial support for the participation of eight representatives at the

International Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Denmark LYLE -Patientforeningen for Lymfekræft og Leukæmi https://www.cancer.dk/lyle/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations DKK 110.00

Support for the attendance at Patientforeningsakademi - network meeting for

patient organisations

Denmark LYLE -Patientforeningen for Lymfekræft og Leukæmi https://www.cancer.dk/lyle/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 2.14

Support digital reprint of LYLE Fokusmagazine

Denmark LYLE -Patientforeningen for Lymfekræft og Leukæmi https://www.cancer.dk/lyle/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 3.10

Support digital re-print of magazine Focus on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia

Denmark LYLE -Patientforeningen for Lymfekræft og Leukæmi https://www.cancer.dk/lyle/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 3.37

International Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations

Denmark LYLE -Patientforeningen for Lymfekræft og Leukæmi https://www.cancer.dk/lyle/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 9.93

Support purchase of subscription for relevant healthcare publications

Denmark LYLE -Patientforeningen for Lymfekræft og Leukæmi https://www.cancer.dk/lyle/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 25.00

Support Debate meeting about follow up programmes to be held at Folkemødet


Denmark LYLE -Patientforeningen for Lymfekræft og Leukæmi https://www.cancer.dk/lyle/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 30.00

Suport of theme day about Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia and Lymphoma

Denmark LYLE -Patientforeningen for Lymfekræft og Leukæmi https://www.cancer.dk/lyle/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 120.00

Support Lymphoma Awareness campaign, which is to be held after Theme Day in

September 2016

Denmark Patientforeningen Modermærkekræft https://www.cancer.dk/patientforeningenmodermaerkekraeft/

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 1.24

Travel expenses for the attendance at the Conference "Kræft 360" on October 13,



Patientforeningen for Tarmkræft

https://www.cancer.dk/tarmkraeft/forside/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Denmark Patientforeningen for Tarmkræft https://www.cancer.dk/tarmkraeft/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations DKK 620.00

Support for the attendance at Patientforeningsakademi - network meeting for

patient organisations

Denmark Patientforeningen for Tarmkræft https://www.cancer.dk/tarmkraeft/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations DKK 870.00

Support for the attendance at Patientforeningsakademi - network meeting for

patient organisations

Denmark Patientforeningen for Tarmkræft https://www.cancer.dk/tarmkraeft/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 1.50

Support for the attendance at International Experience Exchange For Patient

Organizations, Copenhagen

Denmark Patientforeningen for Tarmkræft https://www.cancer.dk/tarmkraeft/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 6.13

Support attendance to local Roche patient organization seminar 24 November 2016

in Copenhagen

Denmark Patientforeningen for Tarmkræft https://www.cancer.dk/tarmkraeft/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 20.00 Support for development of the Patient Organisation's branding

Denmark Patientforeningen for Tarmkræft https://www.cancer.dk/tarmkraeft/forside/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 50.00

Support of National conference 15/3/2016 in connection with National colorectal

cancer awareness month

Denmark The Danish MS Society https://www.facebook.com/pages/Danish-MSSociety/107699192596147

Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 200.00

Support for the participation of one representative at the MS Patient Group Forum

2016 in Zürich


RoseLiv - support organisation for

Scleroseforeningen NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 50.00

Support RoseLivPrisen 2016 awarding a person in Denmark who has done wellacknowledged

work in the field of sclerosis.

Denmark Proof of Life proofoflife.dk Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 365.80

Support project "Folkeløbet 2016", run initiative for cancer survivers at Folkemødet


Denmark Pårørende i Danmark www.danskepårørende.dk Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 55.00 Support for national survey with family caregivers

Denmark FNUG - Forening af Unge med Gigt www.fnug.dk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 2.60 Support 'Patient Empowerment' meeting, subject the Good Patient Consultation

Denmark Lungeforeningen www.lunge.dk Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 15.00 Support National Lung Conference, 9th September 2016 in Odense

Denmark Lungeforeningen www.lunge.dk Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 40.00

Support for anthropological research of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis patients

disease development


Patientforening Lungekræft

www.lungekraeft.com/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 7.76

Non-financial support for the participation of four representatives at the

International Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Denmark Patientforening Lungekræft www.lungekraeft.com/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations DKK 910.00

Attendance at the International Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations


Denmark Patientforening Lungekræft www.lungekraeft.com/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 3.89

Support attendance to local Roche patient organization seminar 24 November 2016

in Copenhagen

Denmark Patientforening Lungekræft www.lungekraeft.com/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 40.00

Support Patient Organisation's hearing at the Danish Parlament regardig focus on

early detection and symptoms of Lung cancer

Denmark Patientforening Lungekræft www.lungekraeft.com/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 50.00 Digitalization of Patient Organizations' handbook for lung cancer patients

Denmark Patientforening Lungekræft www.lungekraeft.com/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kDKK 50.00 Support reprint of Patient Handbook

Denmark LYLE -Patientforeningen for Lymfekræft og Leukæmi www.lyle.dk Financial contributions to Patient Organisations DKK 300.00

Support attendance to local Roche patient organization seminar 24 November 2016

in Copenhagen

Dominican Republic


PACIENTES RENALES Y TRASPLANTADOS NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.34

Support for arthritic patients with the activity "Aprendiendo a vivir con IRC"

Dominican Republic


PACIENTES RENALES Y TRASPLANTADOS NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.98

Support for the association's medical education sessions

Dominican Republic


PACIENTES RENALES Y TRASPLANTADOS NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.21

Support in creating awareness about the wellbeing of patients with transplants

Dominican Republic


REUMATOLOGICAS E INVESTIGACION CLINICA) NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 8.00

Support for the association's medical education sessions

Dominican Republic


SENDEROS DE VIDA senderodevidard.blogspot.com Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.99

support activities in order to promote awareness of high impact diseases

Dominican Republic


SENDEROS DE VIDA senderodevidard.blogspot.com Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 16.17

Support for buying equipment for an infusion room for the benefit of the patients

Dominican Republic


DE ARTRITIS REUMATOIDEA unpasodefe.wix.com/inicio#!sobre-un-paso-de-fe Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.38

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