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Powles, Professor Thomas thomas.powles**[ta]**

CRUKE/11/021: PLUTO: Panopanib versus paclitaxel in relapsed urothelial tumours: a randomised phase II study investigating pazopanib versus paclitaxel in relapsed or locally advanced TCC of the bladder University of Glasgow 01/02/2013 30/09/2017 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Endorsement - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


Preston, Mr Shaun CRUK/14/017: Neo-AEGIS - Randomised Clinical Trial of neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy (MAGIC regimen) vs.neoadjuvant chemoradiation (CROSS protocol) in adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus and oesophago-gastric junction University of Southampton 01/10/2014 30/09/2021 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


Primrose, Professor John CRUK/06/031: New EPOC: peri-operative chemotherapy in patients with resectable colorectal liver metastases - does the addition of an anti-EGF receptor antibody improve progression free survival? (funded by the Bobby Moore Fund) University of Southampton 01/08/2006 31/12/2017 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


CRUK/12/048: ORANGE II PLUS trial University of Southampton 01/10/2013 30/09/2018 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


Trans EPOC - Investigating the molecular predictors of response in metastatic colorectal cancer University of Southampton 01/03/2009 29/02/2016 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Sample Collection Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


Pritchard, Professor Catrin cap8**[ta]**

Mechanisms of RAS/RAF-driven oncogenesis University of Leicester 01/10/2011 30/09/2016 Science Committee - Programme Award Science CommitteeCANCER RESEARCH UK our Funded research Principal Investigator email address Project Title host Institution start date end date Funding scheme Funding Commit***


The above is a list of Cancer Research UK’s active publishable awards as of 30 September 2015.For any further enquiries please contact researcher.comments**[ta]**, Professor Kathy A biomarker approach to improving population outcomes for renal tumours of childhood Institute of Child Health and University College London 01/01/2014 31/12/2016 Science Committee - Biomarker Project Award Science Committee


Propper, Dr David d.j.propper**[ta]**

CRUKD/12/011: A Phase I dose escalation trial of HDAC inhibitor CHR2845 for cancer associated inflammation in hepatocellular carcinoma Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 31/05/2016 New Agents Committee - Trial Grant Application New Agents Committee


Pule, Dr Martin m.pule**[ta]**

Development of a novel immunotherapeutic for CLL University College London 01/06/2014 31/05/2016 Drug Discovery Committee - Drug Discovery Project Award Drug Discovery Committee


Qian, Dr Binzhi binzhi.qian**[ta]**

The role(s) of macrophages in breast cancer bone metastasis University of Edinburgh 01/03/2015 28/02/2021 New Investigator Committee - Career Development Fellowship New Investigator Committee


Quezada, Dr Sergio Defning the mechanisms underpinning the function of regulatory and eector tumour-reactive CD4+ T cells during tumorigenesis: applications to cancer immunotherapy University College London 01/11/2010 31/10/2016 New Investigator Committee - Career Development Fellowship New Investigator Committee


Rachet, Dr Bernard Early diagnosis commissioned policy research programme London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 01/04/2014 31/03/2017 Early Diagnosis Advisory Group - Commissioned Research Early Diagnosis Advisory Group Cancer survival London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 01/04/2015 31/03/2020 Population Research Committee - Programme Award Population Research Committee


Rahman, Professor Nazneen rahmanlab**[ta]**

The Clinical Translation of Breast Cancer Predisposition Genes Institute of Cancer Research 01/10/2012 30/09/2016 Science Committee - Programme Award Science Committee


Rajan, Dr Prabhakar p.rajan**[ta]**

Analysis of alternative splicing in prostate cancer metastasis regulated by the RNA-binding proteins Sam68 and hnRNP A2/B1 University of Glasgow 01/03/2013 31/08/2017 Clinical Careers Committee - Clinician Scientist Fellowship Clinical Careers Committee


Rao, Dr Sheela CRUK/12/038: InterAAct - A Phase II International Multicentre Randomized Advanced Anal Cancer Trial Comparing Cisplatin plus 5FU vs.Carboplatin plus Weekly Paclitaxel in Patients with Relapsed or Metastatic Disease (International Rare Cancers Initiative


study - IRCI 003) Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust 01/06/2014 31/05/2018 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Feasibility Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


Ratschen, Dr Elena Treating smoking in mental health inpatient settings - exploring options to implement new NICE guidance University of Nottingham 01/08/2014 31/07/2016 Tobacco Advisory Group - Project Award Tobacco Advisory Group


Rea, Dr Daniel d.w.rea**[ta]**

CRUK/94/001: aTTom: adjuvant Tamoxifen Treatment oer more? Follow-up, Data Cleaning and Analysis University of Birmingham 01/08/2011 31/07/2016 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory CommitteeCANCER RESEARCH UK our Funded research Principal Investigator email address Project Title host Institution start date end date Funding scheme Funding Commit***


The above is a list of Cancer Research UK’s active publishable awards as of 30 September 2015.For any further enquiries please contact researcher.comments**[ta]** e Sousa, Dr Caetano caetano**[ta]**

Immunobiology Laboratory The Francis Crick Institute 01/06/2012 31/05/2017 Scientifc Executive Board - Institute Group Award Scientifc Executive Board


Renehan, Professor Andrew Development of a risk prediction tool for early cancer detection in patients with type 2 diabetes University of Manchester 01/06/2014 31/05/2016 National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative - Project Award National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative


Renzi, Dr Cristina c.renzi**[ta]**

Missed opportunities for earlier cancer diagnosis along the diagnostic pathway and eect on colorectal cancer diagnosis following emergency presentation: importance of healthcare and patient-related factors University College London 01/12/2014 31/05/2016 Early Diagnosis Advisory Group - Project Award Early Diagnosis Advisory Group


Riddell, Dr Angela angela.riddell**[ta]**

High Resolution MR imaging as a predictive biomarker for determining resectability in oesophageal and oesophagogastric cancer University College London 01/10/2011 30/09/2015 Science Committee - Biomarker Project Award Science Committee


Riddet, Mr Ian CRUK/11/054: Molecular selection of therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer: a molecularly stratifed randomised controlled trial programme(FOCUS 4) (supported by Stand Up To Cancer)(AZ/NCRN) The Department of Health 01/04/2013 31/03/2022 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


Ridley, Professor Anne anne.ridley**[ta]**

Rho GTPase signalling in cancer invasion and metastasis King's College London 01/01/2013 31/12/2017 Science Committee - Programme Award Science Committee


Ringshausen, Dr Ingo ir279**[ta]**

Characterization of signalling pathways underlying bi-directional communications with the microenvironment in B lymphoproliferative diseases University of Cambridge 01/10/2014 30/09/2020 New Investigator Committee - Senior Cancer Research Fellowship New Investigator Committee


Robb, Dr Katie Katie.Robb**[ta]**

What can we learn about how to improve uptake of bowel cancer screening from higher rates of uptake in breast and cervical screening programmes? University of Glasgow 01/05/2015 30/04/2017 National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative - Project Award National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative


Robinson, Ms Emily erobinson**[ta]**

Alcohol Advocacy Alcohol Concern 01/06/2015 31/03/2016 Tobacco Advisory Group - Commissioned Research Tobacco Advisory Group


Health First Advocacy Project Alcohol Concern 01/03/2014 29/02/2016 Tobacco Advisory Group - Project Award Tobacco Advisory Group


Rocha, Dr Sonia s.rocha**[ta]**

Mechanisms of inflammation and hypoxia-induced responses mediated by HIF and NF-kappaB in cancer University of Dundee 01/08/2011 31/07/2017 New Investigator Committee - Senior Cancer Research Fellowship New Investigator Committee


Rosenfeld, Dr Nitzan Molecular and Computational Diagnostics Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute 01/07/2014 30/06/2019 Scientifc Executive Board - Institute Group Award Scientifc Executive Board


Ross, Professor Richard CRUK/10/012: TRYMS: Testosterone replacement in young male cancer survivors University of Shefeld 01/10/2010 30/04/2016 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


Rowe, Professor Martin m.rowe**[ta]**

Epstein-Barr virus infections and lymphomagenesis University of Birmingham 01/01/2013 31/12/2017 Science Committee - Programme Award Science CommitteeCANCER RESEARCH UK our Funded research Principal Investigator email address Project Title host Institution start date end date Funding scheme Funding Commit***


The above is a list of Cancer Research UK’s active publishable awards as of 30 September 2015.For any further enquiries please contact researcher.comments**[ta]**, Dr Stephen Molecular mechanisms of kinetochore fbre stabilisation University of Warwick 01/02/2013 31/01/2019 New Investigator Committee - Senior Cancer Research Fellowship New Investigator Committee


Molecular mechanisms of kinetochore fbre stabilisation University of Warwick 01/07/2013 30/06/2017 New Investigator Committee - Studentship New Investigator Committee


Rubin, Professor Greg g.p.rubin**[ta]**

CRUK/14/070: Phase II exploratory randomised controlled trial (RCT) comparing use of electronic clinical decision support (eCDS) for suspected oesophago-gastric cancer in primary care with usual care.The oesophago-gastric risk evaluation (OGRE) trial University of Durham 01/01/2015 31/12/2017 National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative - Project Award National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative


Rueda, Dr Oscar Oscar.Rueda**[ta]**

Characterization of breast tumour evolution and clonal selection in patient-derived xenograft models University of Cambridge 01/09/2015 31/10/2015 New Investigator Committee - Research Travel Award New Investigator Committee


Rule, Professor Simon simon.rule**[ta]**.net CRUK/14/026: ENRICH - Randomised, Phase II open label study of Rituximab/Ibritinib vs Rituximab/Chemo in older patients with mantle cell lymphoma University of Plymouth 01/01/2015 30/06/2022 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


Ryan, Professor Kevin k.ryan**[ta]**

Tumour Cell Death Laboratory Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute 01/12/2011 30/11/2016 Scientifc Executive Board - Institute Group Award Scientifc Executive Board


Sachdeva, Mr Ashwin ashwin.sachdeva**[ta]** The role of mitochondrial DNA mutations in prostate carcinogenesis Newcastle University 01/03/2015 29/02/2016 Clinical Careers Committee - Research Bursary Clinical Careers Committee


Sahai, Dr Erik erik.sahai**[ta]**

Understanding the causes and mechanisms of cancer invasion and metastasis The Francis Crick Institute 01/03/2012 28/02/2017 Scientifc Executive Board - Institute Group Award Scientifc Executive Board


Salbreux, Dr Guillaume QQR The Francis Crick Institute 01/01/2015 31/12/2020 Scientifc Executive Board - Institute Group Award Scientifc Executive Board


Saldanha, Dr Gerald gss4**[ta]**

A Blood Test For Melanoma - Detection and Analysis of Tumour-Derived Circulating Free DNA by Deep Sequencing (The MELSEQ Study) University of Leicester 01/11/2014 31/10/2017 Science Committee - Biomarker Project Award Science Committee


Sansom, Professor Owen o.sansom**[ta]**

QQR Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute 01/07/2015 30/06/2021 Scientifc Executive Board - Institute Group Award Scientifc Executive Board


Sanz-Moreno, Dr Victoria victoria.sanz_moreno**[ta]**

Transcriptional programs in melanoma metastasis King's College London 01/01/2011 31/12/2016 New Investigator Committee - Career Development Fellowship New Investigator Committee


Sarker, Dr Debashis debashis.sarker**[ta]**

CRUKD/13/003 VIBRANT A Phase I clinical trial with VEGFR antagonist vandetanib combined with 131I-mIBG radiotherapy in patients with neuroendocrine tumours, advanced phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma University College London 01/06/2013 31/05/2017 New Agents Committee - Trial Grant Application New Agents CommitteeCANCER RESEARCH UK our Funded research Principal Investigator email address Project Title host Institution start date end date Funding scheme Funding Commit***


The above is a list of Cancer Research UK’s active publishable awards as of 30 September 2015.For any further enquiries please contact researcher.comments**[ta]**, Professor Peter p.sasieni**[ta]**

Cancer screening & statistics Queen Mary, University of London 01/04/2014 31/03/2019 Population Research Committee - Programme Award Population Research Committee


Cancer Prevention Trials Unit (CPTU) Queen Mary, University of London 01/04/2014 31/03/2019 Population Research Committee - Programme Award Population Research Committee


Scafdi, Dr Paola paola.scafdi**[ta]**

Identifcation of Epigenetic Mechanisms regulating Cancer Stem Cell Formation and Function The Francis Crick Institute 01/02/2015 31/01/2017 Drug Discovery Committee - CRUK & BHC Drug Discovery Project Award Drug Discovery Committee


Cancer Epigenetics Laboratory The Francis Crick Institute 01/01/2014 31/12/2018 Scientifc Executive Board - Institute Group Award Scientifc Executive Board


Scarisbrick, Dr Julia julia.scarisbrick**[ta]**

A Multicentre Prospective Study in Mycosis Fungoides and Sezary Syndrome To Develop an International Prognostic Index University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust 01/06/2015 31/05/2020 Population Research Committee - Project Award Population Research Committee


Schmid, Professor Peter p.schmid**[ta]**

CRUKE/12/051: PAKT - A Phase II, randomized, placebo-controlled study of paclitaxel in combination with the Akt inhibitor AZD5363 in triple-negative advanced or metastatic breast cancer (AZ/NCRN) Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2014 30/04/2017 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Endorsement - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


CRUKE/12/053: A phase III randomized study of PH (Paclitaxel and Trastuzumab) versus PHL (Paclitaxel, Trastuzumab and Lapatinib) in frst line treatment of HER2 positive metastatic breast cancer University of Sussex 01/05/2013 30/04/2019 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Endorsement - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


CRUKDE/14/010 TORCMEK A Phase Ib/IIa study of AZD2014 in combination with selumetinib in patients with advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Queen Mary, University of London 01/08/2014 31/07/2016 New Agents Committee - Trial Grant Application New Agents Committee


Schofeld, Professor Christopher christopher.schofeld**[ta]**

Biochemical and Cellular Characterisation of Histone Demethylases University of Oxford 01/10/2014 30/09/2019 Science Committee - Programme Award Science Committee


Schug, Dr Zachary z.schug**[ta]**

Targeting Acetyl CoA Synthetase (ACSS2) and in vivo probing of acetate metabolism in the treatment and diagnosis of colon, breast and prostate cancer Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute 01/01/2015 31/12/2016 Drug Discovery Committee - Drug Discovery Project Award Drug Discovery Committee


Sebag-Montefore, Professor David d.sebag-montefore**[ta]**

CRUK/08/032: ARISTOTLE: A phase III trial comparing standard versus novel CRT as pre-operative treatment for MRI defned locally advanced rectal cancer (funded by the Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research UK) University College London 01/01/2010 31/12/2017 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee


CRUK/15/007: PLATO - PersonaLising Anal cancer radioTherapy dOse - incorporating ACT 3, ACT 4 and ACT 5 trials (supported by Stand Up To Cancer) University of Leeds 01/06/2015 30/11/2024 Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee - Late Phase Study Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory CommitteeCANCER RESEARCH UK our Funded research Principal Investigator email address Project Title host Institution start date end date Funding scheme Funding Commit***


The above is a list of Cancer Research UK’s active publishable awards as of 30 September 2015.For any further enquiries please contact researcher.comments**[ta]**, Professor Michael CRUKD/11/004: RADICAL a First in Man Phase I/IIa study of AZD4547, an FGFR inhibitor, in combination with a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor (anastrozole or letrozole) in ER+ advanced breast cancer patients Imperial College London 01/05/2011 30/11/2015 New Agents Committee - DD Grant Application New Agents Committee

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